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Professional Webinar: Webinar: Three Secrets to Financial Wellness
Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

How to set yourself up so you build financial and emotional wealth on a nanny's salary. Uncovering and editing your money story for a more prosperous future.

INA Members Register for Free - Non-Members Fee $25. 

Liz Carroll is a life-long student and teacher of making mindful money moves. Originally believing she was "bad with money," Liz did the hard work to rewrite her money story. She needed to drop limiting beliefs about how a woman can earn and manage money to set herself up for financial success in a way she would commit to and follow. It worked. Liz attained financial independence and retired early
from her corporate IT sales career.

Now, in her encore career, Liz helps other women experience calm confidence with their finances by unpacking and shifting their own money story. She has the unique ability to shed light onto darkness around money, making complex personal finance issues simple. She created the Mindful Money Method, a financial wellness course and coaching program that utilizes a holistic approach to math, mindset and soul-guided desires. Liz is a Certified Financial Coach from Ramsey Solutions, a Certified Life Coach from The Life Coach School and a 200-RYT Yoga & Meditation Instructor from Purna Yoga College. She and her husband live on the Oregon Coast. Their adult children visit regularly

All opinions and information given during an INA webinar are that of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of the INA.